Tuesday 16 September 2008

Kent Tory Leader wants to encourage overseas workers

I'll make this brief since like many I had a busy weekend, and tonight is the first chance I've had to comment on Sundays papers. As ever Kent on Sunday is one paper I generally read through, since it gives a glimpse, as to what's occurring elsewhere in the county.

Now Paul Carter gets to give his opinion in this latests edition on the subject of agricultural workers, apparently he wants to see the scheme that allows foreign workers to work in farming maintained or else fiddle around with disincentives like the benefits system?

Still to me its crystal clear, particularly when I hear, from one of my acquaintances that although, his particular skills are required by a manager, for whom he has worked for in the past, his boss will only employ east European labour not because of better skills, work ethic but simply because their cheap, the fact they have to be shown how to do everything is ignored resulting in a false economy.

If the public could replace costly administrators like of Paul Carter, and large swathes of the establishment with East Europeans on minimum wage, we might see an end to all this crap about exploiting foreigners, by paying £5.52 an hour.

Farmers could solve their problems by paying living wages and being smarter rather than meaner, still many industries rely on paying poverty wages rather than looking for efficiency.

Quite simply if a business cannot afford to pay a decent wage, then they have no reason to be in business, why should ordinary people end up paying large tax bills, just so that the state can subsidise incompetent business, through tax credits and the like.

Migration policy in this country exists purely to keep vast sections of British people in poverty, and to hell with any national interest. This countries population is set to rise to 77 million and what for so the countryside can be covered in concrete.

I personally have to agree, with the lone Brit I meet today working with a group of non English speakers, who said to me that we don't need all these east Europeans, and before some of my more cretinous readers, whip out the race card, I'd like point out that the guy making the observation was a British Asian, not that, that matters because for those in construction, labouring type work, ethnicity does not count when some "johnny come lately" is taking your job (my apologies for having to make some qualification but readers in the professions, management etc confuse hostility to lax migration controls & exploitation with racism).

So coming back to Paul Carter and Kents farmers try paying a decent living wage before complaining about there not being enough local labour to work in agriculture. With recession hitting low income families, we really don't need any more foreign labour, how long do ordinary people have to wait for politicians other than the far right in this country defend our own nationals.


  1. You missed another blatant piece of Paul Carter hypocrisy, Tony in the same KoS article. Let me quote:
    "Farming is one of the biggest industries in the county employing more than 15,000 people a year....
    Farming covers two thirds of the land area of kent. It is vital to the future success of the county and we must do everything to preserve it." (That is of course with the exception of Thanet where he appears happy to have his team from E & R at Clarendon on saturday revealing EKO LLP plans, i.e TDC/KCC plans,to put 700 houses on Eurokent site so that CGP can then develop redesignated farmland for their Phases 2& 3 of Gateway.)
    I think the man must think we are all stupid.

  2. The reason we need more overseas workers is because a lot of you bigots don't like working.
