Monday 13 April 2009

Ageing Sir Michael Parkinson shows poor taste

Crikey you just wonder at the mind set of celebrity’s , why did Michael Parkinson feel it necessary, to make offensive comments about the late Jade Goody.

The professional journo, son of Barnsley, and in no way boring old Yorkshire git, decided to let the world know, his rather poor opinion, of the late Jade Goody describing her as a “wretched role model” has he ever taken an objective look at his own achievements.

Just what Michael Parkinson has contributed to the well being of mankind, I’m not familiar, unless its those seemingly sycophantic interviews with movie industry stars either seeking publicity or a last chance in the spotlight before they pass on.

Still whatever he’s done in his life, which I doubt is little more than earn a living as a journalist, somehow he has managed to get a knighthood, to me he just happens to be a wretched example of those the establishment, like to reward for just being famous.

Thursday 9 April 2009

Concorde 40 today

conc2 At least today is the 40th anniversary, of the first flight of the Concorde from Filton near Bristol, an incredible machine, which is made all the more remarkable, since all these years  later, no commercial airliner has been built since, to match its speed and it's unlikely, in the lifetime of anyone reading this, that another passenger aircraft will be built with similar capabilities.
Whilst it's a source of immense conc3pride of what the British aerospace industry was once capable of, to me it's a reminder of the failures of Britain as a nation.
In common with a majority of air travellers, whilst we might have admired the thing from a distance it is rare that any of us actually had a trip on the thing.
The my first trip on the Concorde consisted  of entering at the rear of the plane, walking through to the front and after a quick butchers at the cockpit leaving via the front, I was in fact visiting The Intrepid Space Museum, In New York, where they have a British Airways Concorde, plonked on a barge, in the Hudson River (much recommended, credit crunch allowing (rules me out), if you tire of being drag round the shops).conc1
Now I mentioned, Concorde being a reminder of the failures of the British nation, and it's for this reason, at the same time as France and Britain were developing this superb aeroplane with the assistance of the British & French taxpayer, Boeing in America were developing the 747 Jumbo Jet, which opened up long distance travel to the masses, something which Concorde despite being funded by taxpayers in Britain and France never pretended to do.
Concorde will be remembered fondly for a long time to come, but it's my guess that, passengers will be flying Boeing's 747 jumbo, for at least another 40 years.  Concorde built for the elite few could never have flown without massive taxpayer subsidies, so whilst it was a technical marvel and still is, it was also a resounding commercial failure.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Man dies shortly after police contact And Jacqui Smith talks about managed inquiry.

g20 police Sometimes you just wonder whether you live in a western democracy or some banana Republic, particularly whenever Britain's police appear to act in an aggressive manner towards those citizens, they are supposed to protect.
Anyway if you're unaware of the circumstances leading up to the death of Ian Tomlinson, you might wish to read this report from the BBC view the  filmed interview with Jacqui Smith and video from the Guardian newspaper showing policeman attacking Mr Tomlinson from behind.
It clearly shows a police officer, at last week's G20 protests knocking Mr. Tomlinson to the ground from behind for no apparent reason.
Now I suspect that had this been, any other identifiable citizen of this country, apparently knocking an innocent man to the ground, which preceded a man's death by minutes, they would, most likely have found themselves at least, interviewed and probably charged for either manslaughter or murder within hours of the tragedy.
However often as is in the case with Britain's police forces, what had been normal procedure for the general public, becomes strangely muddied, and non applicable it seems where police officers are concerned.
Anyway it's not for me to make your mind up, but I strongly suggest you look at the video of this incident, if also I would recommends watching Jacqui Smith referring  to a “managed investigation” overseen by police officers, myself I would hope that all investigations were managed etc.
What worries me is the fact that the police appear not able to confidently and briskly conclude their investigations.
And the Home Secretary's reference to the managed investigation, reminds me of all those enquiries that go on interminably over such things as ministers claiming for porno videos and barbecue sets, until the public lose all interest or politicians have had enough time to muddy the waters.
At the end of the day, a man on his way home from work, has been knocked to the ground from behind, by a police officer, and shortly after died of a heart attack, he deserved better and his family deserve a prompt and honest conclusion to this matter

Tuesday 7 April 2009

the new mission statement

up for grabs Yes I realize this has echoes of the 1980's, but just can't help myself, having stumbled across a web site yesterday that had such a thing. 

Anyway more than a statement perhaps a mood, in case this blog has any duration, let's just fix the starting point in context.

It's early April, 2009 and 12th months ago, few of us were barely conscious, of what is now known, as the credit crunch, which for many  would-be more aptly described as a crush.

Britain's MP's backbenchers and front bench ministers of the government, have in the past few weeks, been revealed for the weak and feeble money grabbing bastards that the British public, have often suspected.

The Economy is down the toilet, Gordon Brown has so far failed miserably to instil any sense of confidence, that he has either a grip or understanding of the current economic circumstances, we find ourselves in.

It seems every day the British public, is informed of ever increasing amounts of money, that we will need to stump up to cover the government's, ill judged gambles as it attempts to mitigate the worst effects of the global recession and fails.

Sums of money which are totally incomprehensible, are regularly quoted as having been given to banks to shore up, their business to what end, nobody has yet had the courtesy to inform the British taxpayer.

Anyway that's the starting point of this blog, where it will go I don't know.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Recession, what Recession?

Its easy for some of us to forget that large sections of the British public have yet to experience the recession and haven’t got a clue about the depth or misery this current economic downturn is proving for those in the private sector.

Still I for one wonder just how much longer, those in the public sector can remain unchallenged, in their for now immune lifestyle, which of course is dependant on those who are feeling the brunt of the depression.

I see in Kent that the trade union representing council staff reckon that whilst thousands in Kent, have been thrown on the scrapheap, they for some reason have a divine right not only to retain their jobs but screw the taxpayer for a pay increase.

Still is it any wonder that union representatives have such an unrealistic view of their self worth, when MP’s and even government ministers are blatantly robbing the public blind, be it paying for entertainment, scoring bogus claims for accommodation or sorting out fat pensions since many will soon be getting the P45.

Overall many in service or the construction industry have not seen any significant increase in pay in last few years. Those of us in unskilled or manual work have seen our earnings eroded, as well as our jobs disappear, as a result of Labour’s policy of attacking their traditional base and bringing in cheap foreign workers.

Labour under Blair completed the transition from being run by loony socialist cranks, into a comfortable, caring sort of Tory Party, which since 1997, moved further to the right, till today most Labour top knobs are every bit as corrupt and bent as their Tory counterparts once were.

Labour no longer needs or cares about working class voters for a couple of reasons, one that the Labour Hierarchy are mostly articulate middle class bods working in the public sector, and plus its the middle class that are more likely to go out and vote.

Twenty-five years ago the Tories were the big threat to the ordinary people of this country, as they systematically, destroyed industry and communities in their lunatic pursuit of low inflation, now the Labour party not through spite have done even greater damage to the people of this country, by allowing mass migration without any consideration to its consequences, because the only time their likely to notice the great social upheaval, is when they nip into a cafe or have some building work done.

I’d love to know what benefit this country derived by allowing uncontrolled migration and ruthlessly exploiting of both British nationals and East Europeans and why was this policy never featured in any Labour manifesto.

Not something that would bother your average public sector worker since their jobs are unaffected nor I would think most Labour MP’s who are appear content so long as they can claim bogus expenses, have a second job and take money from wherever its offered.

A lot of people are under the impression that Britain has had no option but to accept limitless migration, which is not so, since both France and Germany decided to protected their economies by opting out of a free for all migration policy when the EU was enlarged.

Gordon Brown’s performance as Prime Minister has been dire it will be interesting to see how he emerges at the end of this G20 charade, still apart from saving face which is unlikely at some time he will be able to walk away from the chaos created by his government, draw a fat pension and bore rich businessmen senseless by giving lectures.